Life is full of beautiful moments, but it's also full of difficult and messy ones. We believe if we were all more honest and real, we'd all feel less alone in our fears and insecurities and find that they're surprisingly universal among creatives.
All these thoughts and feelings inspired us to create a book for OFFF 2023. We believe if we start talking out loud about these challenges, our community could be able to improve their recovery from their current struggles, use friendly advice from a peer or at least feel less alone about their fears and insecurities, regardless of whether you are part of the creative industry or not.
This is TURN, a collection of tales from the fearless and unapologetic. A journey unlike any other where we, the voice of the ones who refuse to be silenced, found solace in the chaos and embraced the twists and turns that life had to offer. We are the artists, the dreamers who have stared into the abyss and turned its darkness into a masterpiece. We've walked through fire, faced our demons head-on, danced with them, we've felt the claws of fear, and sometimes lost, but through it all, we've emerged stronger than ever before.
Together, let's make our messes matter and turn this chaos into something beautiful 🙌
• Concept & Editorial: Héctor Ayuso / Marcel Ziul
• Creative Consultant & Content Advisor: Beatriz Martínez
• Cover Concept & Tape Design: Vasava
• Printed by: Nova Era Barcelona
• Pictures on the inside cover and back cover pages: David Kirscher