The book is inspired by Christmas and the burst of imagination that this holiday brings to celebrate the creativity and hidden talent in the city of Barcelona🪅
20 creative minds were invited to make their own personal and original interpretation of what Christmas in Barcelona means for them. On this journey, we will travel across many disciplines: from gastronomy to theatre, from illustration to sculpture, from comics to product design...
We have also taken the chance to document the six projects we witnessed in the last three years, with photographs and interviews that represent the creativity that has flooded the squares and streets of Barcelona at Christmas time ✨
🫶 Collaborators:
Verònica Fuerte - Maria Corte - Sergi Puyol - Leila Méndez - Raúl Ramos - Albert Raurich - Elsa Yranzo rojas - Carla Cascales Alimbau - Manuela Sosa - Joan Sallas - Marta Velasco Velasco - Boldtron - Max Enrich - Ricarde Sunyol - David Guzman - Jordi Garrigos - Carla Fajardo Martín- Josep Lambies Barjau - Anna M. Andevert - Bàrbara Mestanza
🫶 Credits:
Editor: Ajuntament de Barcelona
Design: Héctor Ayuso
Production and coordination: Elisenda Muns Tubau, Roberta Sucupira
Texts: Maria Junyent
Photography: Eva Carasol
Printing: Nova Era Barcelona
Limited printed edition.
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